Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Volunteer Thank You

Dear Parents and Friends,

We would like to thank you for your assistance in our classroom this year.
To show our appreciation, you are invited to a special Sister Jenny’s Cuppa this Friday morning (26/11). The cuppa will be held in the staffroom starting at 8.40am. Thanks once again for your help this year.

Lauren Mitchell

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

End of School Events

As the school year draws to a close many important events arise. The children are completing their final week of homework. Once this homework is handed in on Thursday no more home readers will go home as the library needs to start returning all loans. Therefore if you have any books at home please return them ASAP.

Next Monday (22/11) 2M will be presenting a short prayer at assembly. Please come and enjoy if you are avaliable.

Next Wednesday (24/11) is the Christmas Concert. It will be run the same as last year. Students are to attend BOTH concerts, one at 1.30pm and one at 6pm. Parents and friends are asked to view only one of these sessions, so that it is possible for all families to see their child's performance at least once. Children need to bring their costume to school, not wear it to school.

Next Friday (26/11) your child's school report will be sent home with them. We are also having a Funky hat day to support Santos Garay, who has patricipated in the State athletics championships in Townsville earlier this year. If you would like to participate in this please bring in a gold coin donation and a funky hat.

A final reminder that the school fun day is on Thursday 2nd of December, and school finishes at 12 midday on Friday the 3rd of December.

Please not send Christmas lollies to school for your child to eat or share. This does not keep with the healthy living section of our school mission.

I hope you enjoy these last few weeks of year two with your child.

Lauren Mitchell