Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Multicultural Celebrations Day

This term year two have been learning about different celebrations from around the world. Today we had a Multicultural Celebration Day to show off what we have learned. We had seven groups representing Rio Carnival, Australia Day, Chinese New Year, ANZAC Day, St. Patrick's Day and Holi Festival. The students had a wonderful day. Enjoy the photos and comments.

Jarrod "It was great because we got to bring in food, I brang Lamingtons and my plate was empty by the end of the day."

Corie "It was pretty good because everybody asked me about China and I knew the answers, and my dad and sister came."

Emilia "I thought it was really good because we all liked each other's food."

Taylah "I liked it because we got to eat food from other countries."

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